Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hello everyone,

I thought I would give everyone an update on all of us. Jonathan had reconstructive knee surgery on the 14th and mildly put, his knee was a mess. He is doing very well though; but will still have to be on crutches for 4-6 weeks. All I can say it is a blessing that this surgery was done now, instead of 8 months from now because he would have to fend for we are expecting. I am about 7 weeks along and bundle of joy.

Emma fell asleep on Jonathan while he was resting.

Emma is doing very well. She is talking a bit more each day. She has the words dog, stop and Oreo (or "OOOO") down pat. I am constantly telling the dog Oreo to stop so she too tells him to stop when he is trying to lick us to death or chew on something that of course is not his.

Before Jonathan's surgery we went to Emma's godparents house to see their new English bulldogs, Ike and Spence (pictures below). It was really cute to see Emma play with a dog that more her size. She seemed to really enjoy them.

Well that is all the news for now. Hope everyone is doing well and may the Lord continue to bless you each and every day.


Jenny said...

You guys must be excited!! Very cool and glad that Jonathan is doing good!!

Leslie Robertson, Realtor said...

Congrats!!!!! That's so exciting!!! :) Emma is precious!!! We need to get the babes together SOON!!

Matt, Debby and Sarah Grace said...

Congratulations Amy! How wonderful!! Keep us posted when you know what it will be :)