Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Easter 2009

He is Risen!

We hope every one had a wonderul Easter weekend. Ours was great. Mike, Melissa and Morgan came up and we all went to the Easter Egg hunt at church on Saturday. Emma was a little overwhelmed because there were so many little ones there. But she was able to snatch up a few eggs. Sunday was a blessed day. Not only was it Easter but Morgan was baptized! It was so exciting. There are some pictures in the slideshow. We then all had dinner at mom's house and had another egg hunt; with no competition.

Jonathan and I also found out that Emma will have a little sister in September. So another girl will be added to the mix. Jonathan was quickly out-numbered. We are looking forward to the new daughter the Lord is going to bless us with.

Alabama A-Day

Well Saturday April 18th, Jonathan, Emma and I headed over to Tuscaloosa, AL to watch the football team in their spring practice football game. We had a wonderful time hanging out with friends and just strolling the campus. Of course another opportunity for pictures!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Well this past Sunday, March 1st we had SNOW. It was so pretty and beautiful. Mom came over and road with us to church. After church and breakfast we headed home. All the while the snow was still coming down. Once we got home we thought we would see how Emma would take to it. She did not like it very much. She did not like walking in it or touching it. Before heading back indoors we did manage a family photo. All in all we received about 3 inches. Not bad for Birmingham.
Now that we have had our fun in the snow I am ready for Spring! I really hope it is around to corner!


Emma enjoyed her Valentines this year. She received two balloons at daycare along with a little bag of goodies. Here she is in her Valentines outfit with Daddy. Speaking of daddy, Jonathan is doing excellent since his surgery. He came off his crutches Valentines weekend and has been doing great ever since. He still has physical therapy twice a week and will be as good as new before we know it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hello everyone,

I thought I would give everyone an update on all of us. Jonathan had reconstructive knee surgery on the 14th and mildly put, his knee was a mess. He is doing very well though; but will still have to be on crutches for 4-6 weeks. All I can say it is a blessing that this surgery was done now, instead of 8 months from now because he would have to fend for we are expecting. I am about 7 weeks along and bundle of joy.

Emma fell asleep on Jonathan while he was resting.

Emma is doing very well. She is talking a bit more each day. She has the words dog, stop and Oreo (or "OOOO") down pat. I am constantly telling the dog Oreo to stop so she too tells him to stop when he is trying to lick us to death or chew on something that of course is not his.

Before Jonathan's surgery we went to Emma's godparents house to see their new English bulldogs, Ike and Spence (pictures below). It was really cute to see Emma play with a dog that more her size. She seemed to really enjoy them.

Well that is all the news for now. Hope everyone is doing well and may the Lord continue to bless you each and every day.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas 2008

Hello everyone,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas season and took time out to reflect on Jesus and His Birth. We had a blessed Christmas. Emma really enjoyed opening up presents this year. She liked ripping the paper and discovering what was inside. Santa brought her a Red Radio Flyer Wagon and she just loves it! Of course Grandma and Nana spoiled her, but that is what grandparents are for right!

We are excited to see what the New Year has in store for us. We know one this is for sure, Jonathan is having Knee Surgery on January 14th. On Christmas Eve, we were chasing the dog and down Jonathan went. His knee was already weak from a torn ACL from many years ago; but this little episode made it worse.

I will send an update after the surgery, but in the meantime, enjoy the pictures and drop us an email and let us know how you are doing. We look forward to hearing from you." type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=bb&il=1&channel=3530822107861790745&" style="width:400px;height:320px" name="flashticker" align="middle">